About Anup Shah

A web developer/consultant/trainer specializing in web standards, accessibility, CSS, JavaScript, XSLT and server side coding.

Blog restart

Apart from a handful of posts in 2010 and 2009 I haven’t really blogged much since 2008. Unfortunately it has been a bad combination of a number of personal tragedies, being too busy at work, and lack of spare time.

I am hoping I am through the worst of it now, and might see if I can restart this blog.

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Use CSS display:table for Layout

For a few years now, web developers doing CSS-based layouts have used floats or absolute positioning for layout web sites to avoid using non-semantic HTML <table>s.

While doable, extra hoops often have to be jumped through (mostly for IE) and some seemingly simple things can be harder than necessary (like equal height columns).

However, for a simpler solution, CSS-based display:table, display:table-row, display:table-cell etc are all usable today across Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+ and IE8. Continue reading

Google App Engine as your own Content Delivery Network

24 Ways has an excellent article on using Google App Engine as your own Content Delivery Network.

A CDN is a network of servers around the world to serve content from your site from the nearest physical location. All the large sites (Yahoo, Google, Amazon, etc) use them.

After reading the above post, I was also curious to find out how if Google App Engine helps in the following: compression, expires headers and versioning. It looks like it does. Continue reading

Jonathan Snook’s jQuery Background Animation as a Plugin

Jonathan Snook recently posted a really neat background animation technique using jQuery. This was something I was looking for and it seemed like a good candidate for a jQuery plugin.

So, following on from my recent post about turning jQuery code into richer, unit testable plugin code, I thought I’d describe the quick process of doing so here. (It’s worth reading Snook’s post first though!) Continue reading

Turn your jQuery code into a richer, unit testable, plugin

I find myself increasingly using jQuery as my JavaScript framework of choice.

It’s by-line of “write less, do more” really seems apt.

But sometimes, by writing just that little bit extra, you can do even more.

For example, I often try to do the following:

  • Make most jQuery code into reusable plugins
  • Use the jQuery plugin development pattern for added flexibility
  • Use QUnit to unit test JavaScript
  • Combine the two approaches to drive out a richer API for the plugin

By unit testing with QUnit, I find I often need to trigger additional events or add additional code from within the plugin so the test can be meaningful.

But this extra code isn’t only useful for testing, it becomes a useful part of the plugin’s API, improving its functionality and flexibility without sacrificing maintainability and readability of the code.

I’ll try to demonstrate that in this post. Continue reading